Coffee, Connection, and Meaning

Election seasons can be intense whether you are in America or Kenya. Natural human expressions like culture and identity are often thrown into conflict as politicians and powers play on narratives ...
Read moreContagion of Hope: COVID19 Reflections from Honduras
How do we gather the courage to carry on when fear and loss are felt all around us? How do we take hold of hope and faith in the future when everything is falling apart and we’ve lost all sense of...
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Nepal: Rare Coffee from a Pioneering Origin
7 Minute Read Most of us have likely never heard of coffee from Nepal much less ever considered it might be delicious and worth seeking out. Even the most adventurous and accomplished green coff...
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Babette's Feast: A Classic Culinary and Coffee Inspiration
6 Minute Read If you’ve ever visited our Mission Street Roastery you can’t help but notice a beautiful installation created by lettering artist and designer Dana Tanamachi. This painting illustra...
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Coffee Sourcing Part 2: Relationships and Transformation
When I first started Saint Frank in an effort to distinguish our approach I described our coffees as “relationally sourced”. I have previously addressed my thoughts on the term “direct trade” and ...
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Coffee Sourcing Part 1: Commodities and Direct Trade
There are so many wonderful things about Specialty Coffee that attract and compel different people for different reasons. In my experience working as an origin- traveling and sourcing barista and ...
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7 Minute Read We are often asked, “Who is Frank? Are you Frank?” I still receive emails and am called by this name after 6 years. While Frank is not my name, it's Kevin, and I do not carry the tit...
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